Outside your budget?
The prices for items on our website are established based on historical data, condition, material, brand, and color, reflecting their market value. We understand that sometimes an item may meet your requirements but is just outside your budget. In such cases, you are welcome to submit an offer.
While we do offer the option for customers to submit offers, this does not mean that all items are open to negotiation.
We reserve the right to accept or decline offers based on the item's market value and current demand. However, please note the following risks associated with making an offer:
-Your desired item may be sold before you manage to secure it.
-You may have to wait up to 72 hours for a response to your offer.
-We accept offers only through our online form and cannot expedite offers made via phone.
-An item is not reserved for you even if your offer is accepted until payment is made in full.
-All offers are exclusive of delivery costs.
-All offers are subject to our terms and conditions. To read more about the offer process, please visit the FAQs page.
By submitting an offer, you accept our terms and conditions.
Additional Information:
-Some of the highest quality doors money can buy. Would cost around £8,000.00 if you were to order new direct.
-Please note due to the weight (307kg window) (118kg for the door) and size of these items standard delivery will differ to normal.
-Please refer to the Velfac Installation Guides online regarding the fitting of this item.
-The door pushes open externally and then slides to the right only when viewing from the outside.
-The sidelight to the right of the door has a track underneath that the door slides into.
-This door has no external handles so can only be opened and locked from the inside.
-Door is 24mm double glazed, sidelight 48mm triple glazed.
🚛 Enjoy free delivery across Bedfordshire. Simply check your postcode to confirm if you’re in the delivery area.
💵 We also offer affordable in-house delivery options. View our pricing details for more information.
⏱️ Items are delivered within one to two weeks. For next-day delivery options, please contact us directly.
♻️ We offer a 60-day return policy, subject to terms and conditions.
📞 Additionally, we provide support for any installation questions or issues for up to a year, provided the item is installed by a FENSA-approved fitter and you can supply the fitter’s invoice and contact details.
🌍 Purchasing pre-loved and surplus items reduces the demand for new products, thereby decreasing carbon emissions and the use of raw materials. Reusing materials is the best practice instead of buying brand new. All our items are carbon neutral because we do not manufacture them; they are excess items that would otherwise end up in landfills or recycling centers.