• Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            

Buying Used: Eco-Friendly Windows and Doors

The choices we make for our homes resonate far beyond our doorsteps, and when it comes to windows and doors, we can make sustainable choices without sacrificing style. But if you’ve begun looking at used doors and windows, the terms “eco-friendly” and “energy-efficient” often take centre stage. These terms can get confusing, and if you want to make informed decisions that align with your environmental values, you want to be sure you find truly sustainable options.

In this post, we unravel the distinctions between energy-efficient and eco-friendly windows and doors, help you understand how each fits into the sustainability framework, and explain how sustainable doors and windows offer savings for both the environment as well as your budget.

eco-friendly windows and doors

Eco-Friendly Windows and Doors vs. Energy-Efficient

“Eco-friendly” and “energy-efficient” are terms often used in the context of windows and doors, but they refer to different aspects of performance and sustainability. Eco-friendly windows and doors generally refer to products and practices that have minimal negative impacts on the environment throughout their lifecycle. Their features may include:

  • Sustainable materials: The use of materials sourced from renewable resources or those with minimal environmental impact, such as responsibly harvested wood, recycled aluminium, or materials with low embodied energy.
  • Recyclability: Design considerations that make it easier to recycle or reuse the materials in the windows and doors at the end of their life.
  • Manufacturing practices: A commitment to environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, such as reducing waste, energy-efficient production, and responsible waste disposal.

On the other hand, “energy-efficient” focuses on the ability of windows and doors to prevent energy loss or gain, contributing to the overall energy efficiency of a building. Some features that make windows and doors energy-efficient include:

  • Insulation: Effective insulation materials and design to prevent heat transfer, keeping the interior of a building comfortable and reducing the need for heating or cooling.
  • Multiple layers in the glass panes: Double or triple-glazed windows provide additional layers of insulation compared to single-glazed windows.
  • Gas fills: Inert gases can be inserted between window panes to enhance insulation.
  • Thermal breaks: For metal-framed windows and doors, thermal breaks reduce heat transfer through the frame.

While eco-friendly windows and doors focus on the environmental impact of materials and manufacturing processes, energy-efficient windows and doors emphasise their ability to save energy by minimising heat transfer.

Can Sustainable Doors and Windows Also Be Energy-Efficient?

Ideally, high-quality windows and doors aim to strike a balance between both eco-friendly and energy-efficient features for a sustainable and energy-conscious solution. These terms are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they complement each other in creating sustainable and high-performing building components.

When you first begin to look at refurbished doors and windows, you may think they’re simply old, which in fact is not true as most are just a couple of years old. Often sustainable doors and windows are just as energy efficient as their newer counterparts. Here are just a few ways that used doors and windows can also be energy-efficient:

  • Material selection: Eco-friendly doors and windows often use sustainable materials, such as responsibly sourced wood or recycled materials. These materials can be chosen for their environmental friendliness while still providing excellent insulation properties, contributing to energy efficiency.
  • Insulation: Energy efficiency is closely tied to insulation. Eco-friendly doors and windows can incorporate advanced insulation materials or designs that help reduce heat transfer, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment and decreasing the need for heating or cooling.
  • Low-E coatings: Low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings, which are common in energy-efficient windows, can be applied to the glass surfaces of eco-friendly windows. These coatings improve thermal performance by reflecting infrared heat while allowing visible light to pass through.

Eco-friendly windows and doors can indeed be energy-efficient, but even if you find a refurbished door you love, you can always DIY the energy-efficient features that may be lacking. That way you balance the environmental impact and energy performance of your windows and doors. This integrated approach means the used doors and windows you buy are not only purchased with sustainability in mind but also contribute to energy savings in the long run.

eco-friendly windows and doors

Are Used Doors Eco-Friendly and Sustainable?

“Sustainable” and “eco-friendly” are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings. “Sustainable” refers to practices that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability involves balancing economic, environmental, and social considerations to ensure that resources are used responsibly and that ecosystems are preserved for the long term. In the context of products or materials, sustainability often involves considering the entire lifecycle, from raw material extraction to manufacturing, use, and disposal or recycling.

“Eco-friendly,” short for environmentally friendly, refers to practices or products that cause minimal harm to the environment. An eco-friendly approach aims to reduce environmental impact, pollution, and resource depletion. This term often focuses on minimising the negative effects of human activities on the natural world. Eco-friendly practices may include using renewable resources, reducing waste, and adopting energy-efficient technologies.

Sustainable practices are inherently eco-friendly because they seek to maintain the health of the environment over the long term. Being sustainable involves a holistic approach that considers the long-term health of the planet while being eco-friendly focuses specifically on minimising environmental impact. Both concepts aim to promote responsible and ethical practices, whether in the production of goods, the use of resources, or the design of systems that support human well-being and ecological balance.

The choices we make for our homes have the power to create a ripple effect, influencing not only our immediate surroundings but the planet’s well-being. If you’re trying to blend eco-consciousness and affordability, consider the option of refurbished, used doors.

Eco-friendly windows and doors from Greendoors offer a sustainable choice that not only reduces waste but also gives a new lease of life to materials, embodying the essence of responsible living. Let your next home improvement project be a testament to your commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. Take a step toward a home that reflects your values—click to explore our range of refurbished, eco-friendly windows and doors to make a sustainable impact today.