• Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            • Quality assured products •                            • Majority of profits reinvested to rescue more products and enhance our operations •                            • In-house nationwide delivery and a network of installers covering most regions •                            

Smart Hacks to Cut Costs on Your Home Reno: How to Really Save Money on Your Home Improvement

Hi, I am Elena, I’m a penny saver, and here are some real tips on how to save those pounds, not just pennies, on home improvements. If you’re reading this, you likely, like me, have recently purchased a house, invested most of your funds into it, and are now working with a tight budget. You’re probably seeking ways to create your dream home on a shoestring budget. And although I need to warn you, this is a long ride, but these tips will help you and make it at least less costly.

Let’s begin with the basics: to save money on renovations, you’ll likely need to take on some projects yourself. However, it’s important not to be overzealous; there are tasks you can tackle and others you should avoid to prevent causing further damage. From personal experience, I’ve learned that fitting doors and replacing panes of glass in wooden windows might not be the best DIY tasks. It’s just going to create more damage and more expenses for you long term. On the other hand, tasks like painting, applying wallpaper, surface preparation, and interior design are highly doable. For the latter, there are fantastic apps available nowadays to guide you. This is one of the few cases where we will be thanking AI.

Another way to save is by purchasing second-hand or mis-measured items, from doors and windows (we offer a vast collection) to home furnishings like tables, chairs, and cushions from platforms like eBay and Vinted. These purchases can save you a considerable amount, not to mention help reduce CO2 emissions. This is a prime example of how being good to your wallet can also be good for the environment. Most of the furniture in my home is second-hand, and it looks great; have a look.

Lastly, adopt a savings mindset in your planning and make sure you don’t just go with the flow but pre-plan everything. If you’re planning a larger project, such as an extension, start with material costs and identify the most costly aspects of the projects, often doors and windows. Source these first and then design your project around them; this approach can save you thousands without much hassle.

These are my top tips; I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me. What are your best home improvement savings tips?